Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Oberon was a Sydney-class transport ship in the late 24th century. People could purchase tickets to use it. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2391, Captain Fes sat down with the Traveling Link onboard the Oberon to listen to their story. He later confronted and hit the USS Phoenix-X with a warning shot as a message to stay away from the Traveling Link. During this, the Oberon was transporting a delegation of Evora. ("The Needs of the Plenty")

In 2393, Sigon bought tickets to the Oberon with the intention of running Starfleet tactical simulations. Being that Sigon was on the Phoenix-X during the time for his boarding, the Oberon went out of its way to transport him over. During the running of the Kobayashi Maru scenario, Sigon got so frustrated, he tore chairs apart until he was arrested. The Oberon then located the shuttle Hendrix from the Phoenix-X and dropped him off there. ("Tales of Recollection")

Command crew[]

