Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Odin (NCC-1875) was an Avenger-class heavy frigate active in at least the 23rd century. (Ships of the Star Fleet, vol. 1 [revised])

This ship may exist in an alternate timeline from that of USS Shadowstar, a vessel of the same class that had the same registry number.

Circa late 2285, Lieutenant Seiji Mori had been piloting a Rogue Star-class EXF-E9 experimental fighter when he crashed into the flight deck of the Odin. Mori was killed in the crash, which was attributed to a faulty sensor lock mechanism. (Federation News Service 2:1)

Chaym Gale' Re'ming'ton of USS Avenger served on Odin as a medical technician from 2287 to 2289. (Star Trek: Avenger: "USS Avenger Character Profile: Chaym Gale' Re'ming'ton")

Odin was commanded by Captain Mark L. Haynes, ca. 2290. (Star Trek: Avenger)

Marine Strike Group[]

The 198th Marine Strike Group was assigned to the Odin in the early 24th century.

Fan organizations[]

The Odin was also a Starfleet International chapter in the Middle Atlantic States until about 1990. Its chapter president, Mark Haynes, would go on to be a writer, editor and publisher of some original series Battlestar Galactica comic books in the 1990s.

Another Odin was a Starfleet International correspondence chapter beginning January 12, 2009. Its chapter president was Antonio "Tony" Lopes, and was based out of Jeffersonville, Indiana. The chapter was home to the 198th STARFLEET Marine Strike Group. (Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 7)

As of October, 2022, there is a prospective chapter of Starfleet International named USS Odin, based in Kansas City, Missouri. The chapter president is David Reffitt and the chapter vice-president is Tim Kirshman.
