The USS Phantom, previously known as the USS Shadow, was a PBEM sim that originally was part of the Starfleet Simulation Group (SSG), and later Delta Fleet (PBEM).
- Commanding Officer: Captain Reena Harras
- Executive Officer: Commander Sokket
- Chief Operations Officer/Second Officer: Commander Jarod Scott
- Ships Counselor: Leearia Frios
- Intelligence Officer: Commander Lucretia Machiavelli
- Chief Engineer: Lieutenant Draken
Final mission[]
The last storyline was titled "Full Circle" which was designed to be PBEM's last storyline. The storyline featured heavily Captain Harras, Admiral Custle (the PBEM's primary Antagonist) who blamed Harras for the death of his daughter and wanted revenge and Commander Scott. Both Harras and Scott had been prisoners of Custle for around 3 months and 3 years respectively during which time they where subjected to various methods of torture as such one of the themes was recovering from that ordeal.