Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420-J) (or Phoenix-J) was a special operations Federation starship, in the late 24th century, that operated in parallel to the original USS Phoenix and several others of the same registry. It was the eleventh starship to bear the name Phoenix, surviving a two-year transwarp-testing phase in which its predecessors, also in parallel, were near-destroyed one after the other before the Phoenix-J was relaunched as a Discovery-class. It served Starfleet. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2367, the Phoenix-J was part of the series of Phoenix-ships testing transwarp functionality. It was near-destroyed in failure. ("Secret Occurrences")

At some point, it was fixed up and relaunched as a Discovery-class starship.

In 2393, the Phoenix-J was on a mission in the Ordek Nebula when the nebula's entity was drained enough to decrease volume and allow ship sensors to detect the USS Phoenix-X. ("Triple Phoenix")

Command crew[]

