Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Potemkin (NCC-4517) was a starship in Federation Starfleet service during the early 24th century. (Project Potemkin: "The Castaway")

Potemkin officers and crew[]

Command Staff (as of 2306)[]

Senior Staff[]

(as of "The Polyphemus Program", set in 2308)

  • Fleet Captain Alec Grigory - commanding officer
  • Commander Demetrius Cooper - executive officer/chief helm officer
  • Gray Todd - tactical officer/duty officer
  • Eric Flanagan - tactical officer
  • Mae Rogers - navigator
  • Lieutenant T'Sov - chief science officer
  • Leila Tucker - chief engineer
  • Veelah - communications officer
  • Rhys Kellen - chief of security
  • David Kane - security officer
  • Szary - security officer
  • Dr. Marisol Fanning - chief medical officer
  • Dr. Sytheria Wrath - assistant chief medical officer

External links[]
