Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

USS Sol (NCC-1733) was a Constitution-class heavy cruiser — of the Achernar-subclass — on active duty in Starfleet during at least the 23rd century. (Star Fleet Technical Manual, Ships of the Star Fleet, vol. 1)


Dedication plaque of the USS Sol

Commodore Thalek commanded during the 2260s and the 2270s (Star Trek: The Intrepid Adventures)

Sol was commanded by Captain Carol Thompson and deployed to the Starfleet Tenth Fleet beginning in the 2290s. (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 9803. revision)

USS Sol personnel[]

In the continuity of Star Trek: The Intrepid Adventures:

Command Staff[]

Command Division[]


Bridge of the USS Sol

Sciences Division[]

Operations Division[]

Medical Division[]

Fan organizations[]

Sol was a Starfleet International chapter, based in Fairbanks, Alaska from the 1980s to the 2010s. (Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 9803. revision; Starfleet International: Scott A. Akers, et al., Master Genealogy: Starfleet Region 10; Starfleet International: Vessel Registry, 0801.07 revision) The chapter was established on 03 August 1983.

In 1985, the chapter president was Trina Anderson. (Starfleet International: Starfleet Communiqué, May 1985) In 2011, her chapter president was Jennifer Ernst. (STARFLEET Vessel Registry, May 2011) A later chapter president was Carol Thompson, who had previously been president of the chapter USS Atlantis.

External link[]
