Star Trek Expanded Universe
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In the Prime universe, USS Star Empire (NCC-2116) was a Federation-class dreadnought active in the 23rd century. (Star Fleet Technical Manual). Numerous other examples of such craft abound elsewhere.

Alternate continuities[]

This vessel only came to prominence in alternate continuities.

In the non-canonical setting of he 1986 TOS novel: Dreadnought! USS Star Empire was a prototype of the Mk V refit, either a major rebuild of the original vessel or an outright replacement, in either case bearing contract number 2331 instead of the original 2116. As hull number 2331, it was variously prefixed by NCC and MKV, but never the usual NX, possibly due to the secrecy surrounding the project. This is the vessel depicted in the sidebar.

Within this continuity, dreadnoughts were considered unnecessary because no one at Starfleet Command ever thought they'd need that much firepower.

Due to the scandal caused by project leader Admiral Rittenhouse hijacking the vessel in a desperate attempt to demonstrate its worth, the project was cancelled and the more conventional Foley-class was greenlit to satisfy the need for replacement hulls of this type. However, some design elements (such as the nacelles) were revisited decades later and were integrated into vessels such as the Sovereign-class.

Star Fleet Command (Grayslake, IL): Research Anthology[]

In this timeline, the ship was named USS Empire but had the original registry (NCC-2116). Her commanding officer was Captain Juliette White.

From stardates 8416.01-8428.12 inclusive, Empire performed a detailed survey of the planet Medusa in the Epsilon Indi sector. ("Medusan Star System")

Circa stardate 8513.01, Empire's mission was to free the second planet of Cobol Epsilon Tau from an invasion fleet of four Tholian warships. Captain White was brevetted as an admiral during this mission. ("Cross Fire: The Tholian Slaughter")

External links[]
