Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Valentine (NCC-59506) was an Ambassador-class Starfleet starship in service during the late 24th century in an alternate timeline and is currently commanded by Captain Devoid.


The ship was launched sometime prior to 2366, when Devoid joined as first officer under the command of Johnathan Castillo after being found by the USS Odyssey.


The USS Valentine departs a starbase after repairs were completed. (2370)

By 2370, the ship was sent on a mission to analyse a Yakuza asteroid base after reports of poisoned cargo came through. While they did capture the base's boss, Sarī, the mission went wrong when an all out attack was launched, damaging the ship and killing much of the crew, including Captain Castillo. The ship managed to escape and limp back to a starbase for repairs.

2 weeks later, the ship was relaunched under Devoid's command with a new first officer, Carter Rejin. The ship rendevoused with the Unreliable in order to formulate a plan to take down the Yakuza. The 2 ships managed to intercept a fleet of freighters & the Spartacus, with backup soon on the way in the form of the Antares, Thunderchild, Honshu & Intrepid. However, due to the intervention of the Spartacus, all of the backup was destroyed except for the Antares, which went for a suicide run to make sure the Spartacus couldn't persue. (TUL: Blood Of The Yakuza)

Command Crew[]
