Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Whistler (NCC-42419) was an Ambassador-class Starfleet starship in service during the mid-24th century and was commanded by Captain Yuji Takizawa. (The Unreliable's Light)


In 2359, Chief Engineer Vaggie Illario sacrificed herself to save the ship by manually ejecting the Warp Core. ("DownVall")

In 2364, the Whistler was the first to discover the rift into the Mirror Universe, encountering the Excelsior-class ISS Vortex during a servey mission. It was also the first to recieve assistance from the Unreliable, which helped destroy the Terran ship. Afterward, the ship returned to Earth to report what happened which led to Starfleet finding the Unreliable thanks to the help of the USS Aegean.


USS Whistler near Earth (2364)

The Whistler later participated in the big battle against the Terran Empire, in which it paid back the Unreliable by saving it from a Terran ship with Captain Takizawa responding with ‘I guess I don’t owe you anymore’. The ship likely returned to Spacedock for repairs after the battle. ("Mirror Leakage")
