Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The USS Winterthur (NCC-28405) was an Ambassador-class starship. (Star Trek: Shabonee;Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles)

Captain Rafe Mahler took command of the Winterthur in 2370. (Star Trek: Shabonee: "Dirge") In the same year, under Mahler's command, the Winterthur, docked at Deep Space 9, rescued the survivors from the USS Prospect's saucer section and ensured no Dominion starships were following the Prospect from the Gamma Quadrant through the Bajoran wormhole. (Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles: "Pure Massacre")

Named for the city of Winterthur in Switzerland.

Star Trek: Pendragon[]

In the Star Trek: Pendragon timeline, the USS Winterthur (NCC-28405) was under the command of Captain Rafe Mahler as of 2379.

After attending the commissioning ceremonies at the new Deep Space 9, the ship participated in the fleet investigating Daniel Radke's claims the M'Tar were influencing the Myhr'an in 2379.

The ship was a part of the fleet facing the Myhr'an in an attempt to save Federation planet Rhaandaran from certain destruction. During the battle, the Winterthur suffered damage to its saucers section. (Star Trek: Pendragon: Other Knights: "Gravity")
