Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

An union is an organization that develops where a workforce/student body, who have a common trade or work/study at the same establishment, band together in order to take advantage of the increased power of collective bargaining.

As organized labor[]

In 2372, the Guild of Restaurant and Casino Employees was briefly formed to obtain better working conditions for Quark's personnel, going on strike in the process. (DS9: "Bar Association")

In 2387, in the wake of the Destruction of Romulus, the unions of Hydran chemical industries located on Mysidia went on strike. (RIS Bouteina: "Midwife")

Student unions[]

Student unions are student-run organizations that represent students both within a school and externally on local and national student-related issues. As such, student unions were common fixtures in Federation and Lyran universities.

21st century Quebec student unions worked by tiers: department-level unions, like the PHYSUM, was subordinate to institution-level unions, like the FAÉCUM, themselves grouped into province-wide unions. However, department-level unions held the power to declare strikes independently of upper tiers. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Rode the 300", "The Defector (TSF)")

The Malachor V University Student Union coordinated the 2401 student strike on Malachor V, organizing a five million-strong protest in Tinseltown. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "The Defector")

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