Star Trek Expanded Universe

This article lists unnamed USS Koru (NCC-59563) personnel.

For a list of named personnel aboard the USS Koru, see USS Koru (NCC-59563) personnel.

Command Division Ensign[]

The command division ensign was assigned on a Special Operations mission under Commander Daniel Radke's command to recover the USS William Hamilton's flight recorder in 2372. He was based on the USS Koru. A Myhr'an attack on the Runabout Avon exploded a console, killing the ensign. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Catalyst, Part One")

His name is not known as it is not spoken in dialogue. Radke felt for his pulse as they were under attack but found none.

Command Division Survivor[]

The command division survivor survived the Myhr'an attack on the Koru, escaping aboard the Runabout Avon. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Catalyst, Part One")

His name is not known as it is not spoken in dialogue.

Operations Division Ensign[]

The operations division ensign served aboard the USS Koru in an unknown capacity in 2372. After the Myhr'an attack on the Koru, the ensign was killed. Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Singh had to move her body to access an emergency locker. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Catalyst, Part One")

Her name was not established in dialogue.

Operations Division Survivor[]

The operations division survivor was a Starfleet crew member aboard the USS Koru.

This person survived the Myhr'an attack on the Koru, escaping aboard the Runabout Avon. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Catalyst, Part One")

Her name is not known as it is not spoken in dialogue.