Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, or Utopia Planitia Ship Yards, is a key Starfleet starship construction and design facility in at least the 23rd and 24th centuries. It has drydocks and space stations in orbit above the Utopia Planitia region of Mars, as well as ground based facilities in that region of the planet.

The term "Mars Spacedock" — used in Star Fleet Data File, vol. 1 — may be an informal term for the orbital components of the Yards. Or perhaps it is a holdover from a term used by the original colonists late in the 21st century or early in the 22nd.


Commander Clause Elberg commanded Utopia Planitia from 2270 to 2271. (Endless Winter)

Beginning in 2358, Captain Jonathan Hofmann served with Starfleet Research and Development at Utopia Planitia. While there, he spearheaded the USS Scandalon and Pendragon-class Development Projects. (PDN: "Children of the Burning Heart", "Wings As Eagles", "Restoration")

Vice Admiral Theoderich Patterson began a tour of duty as commanding officer of the Fleet Yards here while the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was being constructed. (TNG novel: The Sky's the Limit: "Meet with Triumph and Disaster") He would still be in command years later when USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was launched. (VOY: "Relativity")

Lieutenant Commander James Tiberius Kirk was stationed at Utopia Planitia between 2364 and 2366. During this time, he was part of the investigation into the destruction of the USS Yamato. (TNG: "Contagion"; Epiphany Trek: "Epiphany")

Captain T'Sara was a project supervisor for the USS Buran (NCC-57580) Construction Team between 2365 and 2367, which was abruptly halted by the Buran's destruction during the Battle of Wolf 359. (Star Trek: Courageous)

Prior to his assignment to Deep Space 9 Benjamin Sisko was stationed at Utopia Planitia, where he assisted in the design work and flight tests of the USS Defiant. (DS9: "Emissary", "The Search, Part I")

In 2367, the USS Prospect spent a few months in repair and being upgraded at the Utopia Planitia facility. (TPC: "The Burnt Child")

The USS Prospect-A was launched from Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in 2371. (TPC: "Home")

Lieutenant Commanders Antonio Fernandes and Ethan Arden were stationed at Utopia Planitia for at least part of the USS Cantabrian's refit between 2369 and 2372. Commander Kwong Ju'an, their supervisor, was also stationed there. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Catalyst, Part One")

The shipyard, as well as a Federation rescue armada for the Romulan worlds imperilled by the coming Hobus supernova, was destroyed by rogue synths in 2385. (Short Treks: "Children of Mars"; PIC: "Remembrance", "The End is the Beginning")

When the IKS Descent accidentally sent itself too far back in time from 2411, they found themselves in 2385 over the synth attack at Mars and Utopia Planitia, forcing them to assist in the defence. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "Fanatical Online")

Utopia Planitia was heavily damaged in a Klingon Defense Force raid in 2409 led by Lieutenant Commander Brokosh. (Bait and Switch: Red Fire, Red Planet)

In 2752, the fleet yards were set to be decommissioned due to a lack of resources, a move which Fleet Admiral Thomas Garrison protested and tried to get reversed. A slew of top-Admirals had planned to offset ship construction to the San Francisco Fleet Yards, which would only compensate half the duties of Utopia Planitia. When the Alliance came into knowledge of an issue at San Francisco that would cripple the Federation, the Admiralty ultimately decided to keep Utopia Planitia open. (Star Trek: 001: "New Beginnings")

Ships developed and/or built at Utopia Planitia[]



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