Star Trek Expanded Universe

Vekor was a Klingon Defense Force General who commanded the IKS Hidoken in 2380. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2380, working in partnership with General Verticon, Vekor and his crew were stationed on Dalor Outpost to create their own versions of Transphasic torpedoes, the data of which he acquired from Ferengi, who themselves stole if from the Federation. The goal was to create an offense against the Borg, but the resulting experimentation on the torpedoes created temporal anomalies all around Dalor Outpost, killing nearly every Klingon officer there. ("Forged in Something")

Not long after, Vekor and the Hidoken took on a Borg cube at Mizar II using the transphasic torpdoes. Both vessels crashed on the surface and Vekor and Captain Rei of the USS Mercedes were forced to fight the Borg Queen in hand-to-hand combat. During the battle, Vekor was killed. But the story of his death would later be told by Captain Rei. ("Invasion 101")
