Vendoth Dreadnaught
Vendoth Dreadnaughts were the largest warships, barring the Vendoth command ship fielded by the Vendoth military. These ships were twice the size of their battle cruisers.
Like all Vendoth ships they were equipped with shields that solidified when hit by weapons' fire. This outer shell then acts as a sort of 'bandage' over the damaged portion of the shield allowing it to be repaired.
They were also armed with a type of energy weapon that when fired appears like a plasma burst. Its effects are however very different, when it comes into contact with another ship's shields it solidifies that area of the shields. The firepower of these weapons are similar to more conventional energy weapons used in the Alpha Quadrant.
Attack on the Federation[]
Two of these ships were the personal escort for the Vendoth flagship, Mer'jot Ducmre, during the Battle of Sol. These ships were crewed by the most loyal and some of the best officers in the empire. Both these warships made it to Earth's orbit before been destroyed. (Star Trek: Unity (crossover))