The Venka Nebula was a gaseous cloud of particles and minerals located within So'jan controlled spaced in the Oralian sector. The particles and minerals found in the nebula can be captured in a Starfleet vessel's Bussard collectors, or any equivalent apparatus, and later synthesized to generate power. This technique has been used effective by the So'ja for centuries. The Venka Nebula has similar properties to the Trajan Nebula, also found in the Oralian sector. (Star Trek: Pioneer)
The Venka Nebula is also know for the Venka Treaty, a document which the So'ja Republic and the Federation signed allowing Starfleet to explore and examine the nebulas scientific and energy properties. ("The So'ja Incident")
- In 2378, the USS Pioneer, under the command of Captain Benjamin Kelsoe, saved the Commander Robert Tuff and the crew of the USS Clark after it had been attacked in the Venka Nebula by So'jan rebels. ("The So'ja Incident")
- In 2381, Ensign Eric Zimmer was attack by a So'ja fighter within the Venka Nebula during a scientific scan of the nebula. Zimmer was accused of attacking of the fighter without provocation, but it was later discovered he had acted in self defense. This incident was considered to be a sign of the coming of the Coalition War. ("Complications")