Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
For the prime universe counterpart, see Veylo.

Veylo was a Vissian tactical officer in the 22nd century.

In January 2153, she was one of several Vissian to visit ISS Enterprise (NX-01). Alongside Traistana, she visited the mess hall and conversed first with Commander Charles Tucker and then Major Malcolm Reed. Veylo got on well with Reed, tasting various foods with him and finally agreeing with him to show each other their ship's weapons. Although she found the spatial torpedoes quaint, she confirmed the Vissians charged their hand weapons with sarium micro-cells like Starfleet phase pistols. In the phase cannon assembly, Veylo initiated sexual relations with Reed.

However, Veylo was not aware that Reed had deliberately avoided showing her the plasma cannons. This proved instrumental when a Starfleet assault fleet chose to capture the Vissian vessel after Enterprise liberated the resident cogenitor. Following the capture of the Vissian crew, Reed had Veylo brought to his quarters as they had a 'matter to discuss'. Whatever this was, it saved Veylo from being experimented on or eaten by Doctor Phlox or Chef. (Before In a Mirror, Darkly: Cogenitor, Interlude)

Reed kept Veylo prisoner in a cupboard in his quarters until the Xindi attack on Earth later that year. During this time, she endured violations not just from Reed but from his friends and Tucker. Reed claimed that this was punishment for the Vissians' treatment of the cogenitors, comparing Vissia to the 'traitors' in The Handmaid's Tale. However, Reed suggested she could return home, join Starfleet, or even commit suicide, but she would spend a decade in his cupboard if she interfered with the resolution of the crisis.

After Enterprise entered orbit over Earth and evacuated so a refit could take place, Veylo was accidentally left unsupervised by Reed. She took the opportunity to escape, which was discovered by the time Reed had returned to Enterprise to inspect the new photonic torpedoes. Choosing not to slip out of an open airlock linked to Spacedock, she took the catering staff hostage in the mess hall and held Chef at gunpoint. She demanded to negotiate only with Reed. Although Reed attempted to talk, Tucker stunned Veylo with a phase pistol. As a result of her escape attempt, Veylo was sentenced to death by Reed, who ordered Chef to tie her up in the middle of the mess hall and leave her to the mercy of the crew, specifying she must be dead by the time Enterprise left Spacedock to travel to the Delphic Expanse. Fortunately for Veylo, her ordeal was short as Porthos gave her a swift death. (Before In a Mirror, Darkly: A Crisis on Earth)
