One of many types of Voidling
The Voidlings were the inhabitants of the Lost Void who came in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all resembled some kind of idea, whether it be a concept or something more vivid. Their technology had evolved and even gotten to astounding heights. They were very rarely understood. (The Unreliable's Light, Star Trek: Phoenix-X)
Voidlings have bodies that are pitch black to the point where they cast a exceedingly light shadow. They have white decals on their body, to empathies whatever idea they represent. They come in many sizes to reflect the idea they represent. They are powerful, but are still mortal and can be killed for good.
They have a rudimentary democracy, with a council that is voted on seemingly every 5 years. Below the council are warriors, a recently instated class to deal with conflict, then come explorers, again, recently instated. They go out into other universes and discover and explore other timelines. below them are the guards, those who stay home and protect. at the bottom are workers, who are at home working to provide services and help to others.
Any faction can overrule another with enough backing
i.e. The Workers and Guardsman getting on the bums of The Warriors because they are low on resources. or the Explorers and Warriors getting onto the Council's bums because they made a rash decision.
They are much like the idea they represent. Different ideas have different abilities, and listing all of theme here would take me until the end of the universe.
Fun Facts[]
- You can promote in Voiding society, even demote if you think it is right. Although sometimes you will be forced to do either based on necessity.
- The Voidlings are shy to newcomers, but treat them like you would your own flesh and blood, and they will treat you the same
- They do not speak with words or letters, but psychic imagery. It is hard to understand them sometimes due to this