Star Trek Expanded Universe

"Warfare" was the twelfth episode in the first season of Star Trek: Phoenix-X.


Plutark, from the Romulan starship Konsugon, intercepts a secret transmission of slipstream torpedo schematics between the USS Phoenix-X and Starfleet Intelligence. In order to gain support against the Phoenix-X, they get the help of Gul Meloneus from the Isotope.


"I told you, the next time I see you, I will kill you. I am seeing you, but I am not killing you! I must be impaired in some way."
Gul Meloneus

Background information[]

  • This episode would later be revisited through means of time-travel in "Secret Shuttles, Part II."
  • In "Secret Shuttles, Part II", it will be revealed that is system is called the Essex system and the star that went nova was the Essex star.
  • In this episode, Meloneus and Plutark supposedly die in the explosion. But in the episode "Secret Shuttles, Part II" Meloneus is saved by Klokian, who goes back to this time-frame from the year 2377. In the episode "New Beginnings" it is revealed that Plutark actually beamed himself and a few of his crew aboard the Phoenix-X before their Romulan warbird was destroyed. They then escaped, unnoticed, a week or so later.

External links[]
