Star Trek Expanded Universe
For the original prompt, see: Winter Wonderland Celebrations II

"Winter Wonderland Celebrations (II)" was the fourteenth "unofficial" episode of Star Trek: Phoenix-X and the twelfth "unofficial" episode of the fifth season. It was the fourteenth Star Trek: Phoenix-X entry for the Star Trek Online: Unofficial Literary Challenge and was the first entry for the eighteenth challenge of those unofficial challenges. This entry to focused on Captains McCary and Samya.


McCary and Samya discover Gingerbread men infected with the Calibus VII virus.


"You could say it was bound to happen, considering the commercially avaricious nature of the holiday season, proliferating indulgent tendencies, funded by the Ferengi Commerce Authority."
Captain Samya

Background information[]

  • This story continues as a sequel to "Winter Wonderland Celebrations" where Qu's Winter Wonderland was first created.
  • The first hint of Oroku Seifer's re-infection was explored in Part IV of "Captain's Log".
  • Samya references her last encounter with Qu from "The Sound of Q-sic". Qu doesn't make an appearance in this story.
  • When Samya mentions the Klingons boarding Earth Spacedock, that is a reference to an in-game bug in Star Trek Online which allowed KDF players to access it the weekend of December 18th, 2015. It also is a reference to Part V of "Captain's Log" where Menchez was part of that group of Klingons.

External links[]
