Star Trek Expanded Universe

Zenon Astrid Kar, C.P.M.V. was a member of the crew of the DDV Gansett, a ship of the mysterious inter-dimensional paramilitary organization known as the Scarlett Army.

During the events of the Frontier Day incident in 2401, Kar and the other members of the Gansett's crew (at great personal risk to their lives and mission), helped buy time for the reconstructed USS Enterprise-D to defeat a Borg cube in orbit of Jupiter which was broadcasting a signal that was controlling all of the ships utilizing the Fleet formation mode computer network and the under-25 Starfleet officers aboard them.

For their actions during the crisis, the crew of the Gansett (who were operating as Starfleet officers by order of Federation President Anton Chekov at the time) were presented with the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor. Kar, at just 14 Terran-standard years old, became the youngest-ever-recorded recipient of the Pike Medal.

According to some reports, a letter sent by Kar to the Federation News Service is what convinced Starfleet to rename the USS Titan (NCC-80102-A) as the USS Enterprise-G. Kar was eventually named as the Enterprise-G's chief sponsor by Starfleet Commander-in-Chief Kirsten Clancy in response to Kar's letter. (30 Worlds: Royal Megaforce: "Masters of the Ultimate Power")


Zenon Kar was portrayed by actress Kirsten Storms in the made-for-television movies Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (1999), Zenon: The Zequel (2001) and Zenon: Z3 (2004). Kar was a major character in William "Blissey" Raymer's 30 Worlds stories starting with the series' ninth story.

Zenon's noting (in her letter to the Federation News Service regarding the Enterprise-G) that the Klingon B'Etor sounded like her mother was a reference to the fact that actress Gwynyth Walsh (who played B'Etor) portrayed Zenon's mother in the original Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century movie.

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